The Weekly Shtikle Blog

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Friday, August 3

The Weekly Shtikle - Eikev

    There are a number of interesting little differences between the first parsha of Keriyas Shema which we read last week, and the second which we read this week. One of them is that in the first parsha, the mitzva of Keriyas Shema, "beshivt'cha beveisecha, uv'lechtecha vaderech" is written before the mitzva of Tefillin. It is the other way around in the second parsha.
    R' Chaim Kunyevsky, in his unique manner, offers a novel explanation. The Beiur Halacha in the beginning of siman 58 concludes that Keriyas Shema Kevasikin, i.e. immediately prior to Heneitz HaChamah (sunrise), takes precedence over davening with Tefillin. If you can do only one or the other, it is better to do Shema Kevasikin. Rashi has explained that the first parsha speaks to a yachid, a single person and the second parsha is talking to the rabbim, the masses. The gemara (Yoma 37b) says that a tzibbur does not have the ability to synchronize all together kevasikin. Therefore, it is definitely suggested that the tzibbur daven at a time where they would be putting on Tefillin.
    So, the first parsha which refers to a yachid, puts Kriyas Shema first because for a yachid it takes precedence. But the second parsha speaks to the rabbim, so it puts Tefillin first since for them, it takes precedence.


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