The Weekly Shtikle Blog

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Friday, January 17

The Weekly Shtikle - Shemos

A special Weekly Shtikle mazal tov to my niece Rachelle (Levy) on her marriage this week to Binyamin Zev Bausk. Mazal tov to the extended Levy, Bulka and Bausk mishpachos.

As sefer Shemos begins, before Moshe Rabbeinu is even born, we are told of the great heroism of Shifrah and Puah who defy Paroah's orders to abort all newborn boys. When confronted by Paroah, they manage to escape retribution with a believable alibi. After this, we are told (1:20) that HaShem did good for the midwives and the nation multiplied and increased greatly. What is the good that HaShem provided to the midwives? We are likely familiar with Rashi's interpretation. The reward is spoken about only in the next pasuk – "vaya'as lahem batim." But the obvious difficulty with this is that the two phrases are separated. If the expounding of vayeitev is vaya'as, why aren't the two phrases next to each other?

Malbim explains simply that Shifrah and Puah put themselves in grave danger of personal harm and Paroah even understood they were not being completely honest with him. Nevertheless, HaShem did good to them that Paroah decided not to punish them in any way.

Ohr HaChayim, however, provides an understanding that works with the flow of the pesukim. When we toil and put all of our efforts into a specific task, sometimes the success of that task is the greatest reward we can get. Therefore, vayirev ha'am, the great growth and thriving of the nation, which was a direct result of their efforts, was itself a great reward.

Have a good Shabbos.


Eliezer Bulka

Shtikle Blog Weekly Roundup:
Dikdukian: Nothing to See but Fear Itself

Dikduian: Bas Paroah
Dikduian: From the Children of the Hebrews
Dikduian: The Strange Thing about Straw
Dikduian: Affliction
Dikduian: Raamseis

Dikduian: Dikduk Observations on Shemos by Eliyahu Levin

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